Friday 22 September 2017

Novena to the Little Flower

The following novena recently published in Carmelite News and from the National Shrine of Saint Jude is for nine days. The novena starts on 23 September 2017 and continues until the Feast Day of Saint Thérèse. You can pray the novena in private, with your friends or family, or in a group

Remember, most gracious Little Flower, 
our Rose Queen, your wish to spend 
your time in heaven doing good upon earth. 
Full of confidence in your power 
I implore your intercession on my behalf. 

Make your special request now 

Lord Jesus Christ, who said, 
“Unless you become like little children 
you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven,” 
grant that we may imitate 
Saint Thérèse, 
in humilty and in simplicity of heart 
that we may come to share 
in her eternal reward. 
You who live with 
the Father and the Holy Spirit. 


The National Shrine of Saint Jude has a society dedicated to the Little Flower. Find out more, here. We also have a number of prayer cards to Saint Thérèse, which can be purchased from here.

The Shrine of the Little Flower here in Faversham
